ICG Certification Programs
Certified Career Owner

ICG’s Certified Career Owner program assures you and your present or future employer that you have invested the time and demonstrated the skills necessary to take ownership of your career. This means you can communicate effectively about where you would like to go, and the future steps that will take you there. The program certifies you have developed the skills and met the criteria listed below:
- Intelligent Career Basics: Demonstrate a basic understanding of the Intelligent Careers Method™.
- Career Self-Reflection: Complete an exercise to highlight what concerns you most about your career.
- Generating Career Narratives: Create a personal narrative, under the consultant’s guidance, about the concerns you have expressed.
- Setting Career Priorities: Extract career themes from your personal narrative to provide reference points for future action.
- Envisioning the Future: Determine and initiate a series of action steps for each career theme.
- Taking Career Actions: Demonstrate early evidence that action steps are being pursued.
Workshop price
US $499
Includes six one-hour or two half day sessions plus homework
peer coaches
US $399
Peer coaches work together under a consultant’s supervision. You can also earn a second Peer Coach certification by demonstrating you can support someone else in their career.
One-on-one consultation
US $899
Six one-hour sessions plus homework
Enterprise license
The Intelligent Careers Method is an ideal way to prepare your employees to engage in deeper career conversations in your talent management efforts.
Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
You can find more information, locate a Career Ownership Consultant, and see FAQs from our Career Owners menu.
Certified Peer Coach

ICG’s Certified Peer Coach program assures you and your present or future employer that you have invested the time and demonstrated the skills to utilize the holistic Intelligent Careers Method in the capacity of peer coach. The program certifies you have the skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them.
- Active Listening: Demonstrate the ability to focus on, and pursue deep understanding about, another person’s career.
- Empathy: Demonstrate constant sensitivity to another career owner’s thinking, feeling, and related emotions.
- Supportiveness: Show readiness to help and encourage another career owner, by focusing on their personal situation.
- Clarification: Consistently seek out underlying meanings and explanations for another career owner’s communications.
- Making connections: Look across another career owner’s narrative, and suggesting and testing connections that you see.
- Career Conversation Holder: Demonstrate the capability to act on both sides of a career conversation, as a client or as a coach/manager.
Workshop price
US $299
Special Offer! Free with participation in Career Owner peer-coaching team.
consultant’s supervision
US $99
Subsequent peer coach activity under a consultant’s supervision
Career Ownership Champion

ICG’s Career Ownership Champion program communicates to you and your present or future employer that you have demonstrated persistent progress in using the Intelligent Careers Method to pursue, develop and update your action steps over a twelve-month period. This will involve at least quarterly visits, each recording progress in updating and pursuing your action steps. Eligibility will be determined by your Career Ownership Consultant. The program certifies you have the skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them.
- Persistence: Working from and continuing to develop the Action Steps you have set for yourself.
- Dependability: Following up on what you commit to do, both for yourself and for other people.
- Initiative: Exploring fresh opportunities or reaching out to others concerning your career.
- Agility: Effectively responding to unanticipated changes in your own and other people’s employment situation.
- Resilience: Not giving up, and finding a way forward, when dealing with adverse circumstances.
- Advocacy: Acting as an advocate of the Intelligent Careers Method™ in communicating about your experience with others.
Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Career Conversations Champion

ICG’s Career Conversations Champion certification will be added to Certified Career Owners who have been exposed to a variety of subjects that allow them to represent the employer’s side of a career conversation, as well as relate to the employee’s side through their own experiences. It certifies you have the skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them. Intelligent Careers Group welcomes inquiries from business schools interested to co-certify students and alumni.
- Strategic Management: Exposure to the subject of strategic management equivalent to a recognized university half-course.
- Leadership: Exposure to the subject of leadership equivalent to a recognized university half-course.
- Organizational Communications: Exposure to the subject of organizational communications equivalent to a recognized university half-course.
- Interpersonal Communications: Exposure to the subject of interpersonal communications equivalent to a recognized university half-course.
- Human Resource Management: Exposure to the subject of human resource management equivalent to a recognized university half-course.
- Talent Management: Exposure to the subject of talent management equivalent to a recognized university half-course.
Certified Career Owners who have already received substantial exposure to all six of the above subjects may contact us to apply for a “fast track” certificate.
Fast track Career Conversations Champion price for individuals: US $ 99
Focus Group Contributor

ICG’s Focus Group Contributor program communicates that you have demonstrated the skills necessary for participation in a careers-centered focus group, involving members of the same occupation, or project team, or social background. In turn, you are ready to make a deeper contribution to your own and other members’ careers. The program certifies you have the conversational skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them.
- Career Self-Reflection: Focus group overview and completion of self-reflection exercise to highlight individual career concerns.
- Generating a Group Career Narrative: Contribute to the development of a shared narrative about the group’s overall career situation.
- Active Listening: Demonstrate the ability to focus on, and work to understand, the contributions of other members.
- Supportiveness: Show readiness to help and encourage other focus group members in making their contributions.
- Clarification: Consistently seek out underlying meanings and explanations for another career owner’s communications.
- Making Connections: Capability to reflect on and draw conclusions about common ground across the group members’ careers.
Focus group charge
US $149
6-10 participants, 6 hours plus homework
Focus groups are available to companies, educators or professional associations that wish to use the approach to help participants explore and subsequently act on their shared career interests. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Career Ownership Consultant

ICG’s Career Ownership Consultant program communicates that you have the appropriate background and skills to work with and certify your own individual clients and peer coaches. It certifies you have the consulting skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them. Training will typically occur through peer-coaching teams to deliver experiential learning on both sides of a career conversation.
- Holistic Career Perspective: Demonstrate understanding of the Intelligent Careers Method as a holistic approach to career ownership
- Proficiency in “Why?”: Demonstrate an appreciation of why career owners work using a consultant-led experiential exercise.
- Proficiency in “How?”: Demonstrate an appreciation of how career owners work using a consultant-led experiential exercise.
- Proficiency in “With Whom?”: Demonstrate an appreciation of with whom career owners work using a consultant-led experiential exercise.
- Holistic Career Consultation: Show skill in extracting another career owner’s career themes using a consultant-led experiential exercise.
- Career Ownership Consultation: Demonstrate skill in identifying recommended action steps using a consultant-led experiential exercise.
- Career Subject Expertise: Articulate personal opportunities to use the Intelligent Careers Method in your own future career consulting.
Dedicated Trainer
US $1,499
15 hours, including homework
US $1,199
Early bird
US $999
Teams until September 1, 2022
Career Ownership Ambassador

ICG’s Career Ownership Ambassador certification extends your recognized skills as a Certified Career Ownership Consultant. It communicates to yourself, an employer, and any clients that you have substantial experience working with the Intelligent Careers Method, for example covering two years and twenty clients. It certifies you have the skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them.
- Intelligent Careers Knowledge: Demonstrate distinctive knowledge of the Intelligent Careers Method.
- Client Experience: Documented exceptional experience with Career Ownership clients.
- Expert Leadership: Specific leadership in at least one arena as a Career Subject Expert.
- Solutions Differentiation: Ability to effectively differentiate the Intelligent Careers Method from other approaches.
- Field Experiences: Availability of documented stories form field experiences with clients.
- Product Commitment: Demonstrated commitment to the advantages of the Intelligent Careers Method.
Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Career Ownership Consultant Trainer

ICG’s Career Ownership Consultant Trainer program certifies that you have the skills and experience to act as trainer to aspiring new Career Ownership consultants.
- Relevant Careers Knowledge: Applicability of distinctive Intelligent Careers Method knowledge to new consultant training.
- Relevant Client Experience: Application of exceptional experience with Career Ownership clients to new consultant training.
- Relevant Expert Leadership: Applicability of specific leadership as a Career Subject Expert to new consultant training.
- Relevant Solutions Differentiation: Applicability of ability to effectively differentiate the Intelligent Careers Method to new consultant training.
- Relevant Field Experiences: Applicability of documented stories from field experiences with clients to new consultant training.
- Relevant Product Commitment: Applicability of commitment to the advantages of the Intelligent Careers Method to new consulting training.
Please contact us if you are interested in the possibility to become a Career Ownership Consultant Trainer
Intelligent Careers Method Translator

ICG’s Intelligent Careers Method Translator certification that you have the skills and experience to provide translation services. It certifies you have the translation skills listed below and have met the criteria applied to each of them.
- English Language Capability: Native-like fluency in English, and Certified Consultant in the Intelligent Careers Method.
- Target Language Capability: Native fluency in the target language.
- Client-Facing Page Awareness: Demonstrated expertise to enter target language translations involving client-facing pages.
- Public-Facing Pages Awareness: Demonstrated expertise to enter target language translations involving public-facing pages.
- Collaboration Skills: Demonstrated capability and readiness to work with Intelligent Careers Group representatives.
- Subject Matter Expertise: Deep subject matter knowledge in the field of career advising/coaching in the target language.
Please contact us if you are interested in the possibility to become an Intelligent Careers Method Translator.