Career Owner FAQ

Frequently asked questions
What makes the ICCS different?
The ICCS takes the uniqueness of your career situation seriously. This
means looking hard at the education and work experience you have had, and the
relationships and reputation you have built. ICCS consultants work with your whole
person and with your full range of unfolding life and work experiences.
Will the ICCS apply in my career situation?
The ICCS has been tested in a variety of situations. The underlying
approach provides a framework for you to take stock of your present career situation.
On the one hand, it can help people who are relatively early in their careers to take
greater control over their career direction. On the other hand, it can be effectively
used by highly experienced people to refine their career choices, inspire and manage
significant transitions or to better manage overall career complexity.
I already have a satisfying job. Is the ICCS for me?
In a rapidly changing world of employment we have learned that being
satisfied with your job or your employer is not enough. You need to be in control of the
direction of your career, the underlying learning it provides, the relationships you
have built, and the prospective transferability of your career investments to other
situations. The ICCS will help you to look beyond your present job and keep pace with
the changing nature of work and opportunities.
I am a senior executive, is the ICCS appropriate for me?
Absolutely! Your emergent career situation is likely to be complex. The
three “ways of knowing” underlying the ICCS provide a way for you to interpret your
current career situation, including the successes you have had, the feedback you have
received along the way, and the insights you have gained. Your ICCS consultant will work
with you to reflect to develop a coherent action plan for the next step in your
I am about to graduate university. Is the ICCS right for me?
Yes, provided you are ready to do some real work on the issues you will be
facing. The ICCS will not directly suggest any particular choice of career. Instead, it
will allow you to reflect on the choices you have already made (such as your academic
major and any internships you have had) and on the larger significance of the early
steps you will be making into the world of work.
How long does it take to complete the ICCS?
To complete the ICCS itself takes around 45 minutes. However, that is only
the beginning of a series of conversations with your career consultant about the
underlying career investments you are making, and the interplay among those investments.
In a typical consulting arrangement, you might expect to spend six one-hour sessions
with your consultant and six more hours on homework.
Can I complete the ICCS on my own?
No, but for very good reasons. The ICCS helps you take an in-depth look at
yourself and your career situation. Because of this, some of the issues you raise may be
better interpreted with the help of a skilled consultant. All ICCS consultants are
rigorously trained to be able to provide the listening and support that you may need.
There is also an option for you to work with a trusted friend or colleague, as a
peer-coach, under an ICCS consultant’s supervision.
What is the cost of the ICCS?
Your main cost will be for the time of the ICCS consultant who will work
with you. Consultants set their own rates. The real value of an ICCS consultant is in
making your sessions together more effective, through a sharper focus on your own career
Do you provide ICCS workshops?
We provide ICCS workshops for organizations, professional associations,
community groups or jobseekers. You may ask any ICCS consultant for further information,
How can I locate an ICCS consultant in my area?
See the table below to find an ICCS consultant in your country, or who
speaks your preferred language. Most of our consultants work through online Skype, Zoom
or other conferencing connections so that location is not an issue and adhere to the
highest standards of privacy protection. Wherever they are located, our consultants
adhere to the highest standards of privacy protection. If you would like our help in
placing you with an ICCS consultant please CONTACT US.